As odd as it may sound, a woman’s cervical mucus is an essential part of the female reproductive system. This presence of fluid not only helps predict the fertile window, it also helps to protect th...
Poor Circulation and the Impact on Cervical Fluid
Many women will experience vaginal dryness at some point. However, if the condition occurs regularly, it can compromise the ability to become pregnant. Having a healthy amount of cervical mucus direct...
Mucolytics to Increase Fertility? The Myths and Risks
Could a common OTC sinus remedy really help you conceive? That's the claim for mucolytics, substances that loosen mucus, which might boost fertility. Also called "expectorants," mucolytics are act...
How Cervical Mucus Can Help Predict a Woman’s Most Fertile Days
When a couple is trying to conceive, it is often helpful to track various aspects of fertility to have an idea of exactly how fertile the woman is. There are various tests and measures that women can ...