Hyperprolactinemia and infertility are two conditions that are often misdiagnosed, and they can be very frustrating to find a solution for. About 40% of women experience infertility issues without eve...
A Complete Guide to Understanding Male Fertility Hormones
Specific chemicals can have a significant effect on male fertility. Therefore, the most important hormones and their mode of action are explained as follows: Hormones A man's fertility level is oft...
A Complete Guide to Understanding Female Fertility Hormones
A number of hormones can exercise a significant and sometimes potentially adverse impact over a woman's fertility levels. Therefore, it is important to know what essential tasks these hormones fulfill...
Prolactin Levels May Reveal an Underlying Fertility Concern
Prolactin is a hormone that is made in the pituitary gland. This hormone helps to stimulate milk production within women, once they have delivered a baby. When a woman begins breastfeeding it is expec...