Assisted reproductive technology, a family of procedures popular among infertile women, could worsen the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Defined Multiple sclerosis, if you aren't ...
How MS Impacts Women’s Fertility
Women diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) may still possess normal fertility levels. However, if it does cause issues with fertility there are infertility treatment methods that women can employ t...
Multiple Sclerosis and the Impact on Fertility
Fertility is a leading concern for individuals who have multiple sclerosis. Find out how multiple sclerosis influences male and female fecundity. What Is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is a ...
Male Infertility and the Increased Risk of MS
New studies are finding that infertility in men may contribute to an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis. A scientific study conducted offers some explanation as to how the two medical co...