A diagnosis of ovarian cancer can make conceiving difficult for women who want to have children of their own, but it is not impossible, according to some studies. What You Should Know About Ovarian C...
New Drug to Prolong Fertility: Promising Research
It’s well known that female fertility decreases with age. Starting at age 30, female reproductive potential gradually decreases. In addition, there is an increased risk of miscarriage or giving birt...
Ovarian Cysts and Their Impact on Fertility
When it comes to women’s fertility health a variety of factors can elicit concern. Women with ovarian cysts may wonder how these cysts might affect their chances of having a baby and their connectio...
3-D Printed Ovaries to Restore Fertility
Scientists have made advancements in restoring fertility post chemotherapy. The key lies in printing organs like ovaries and implanting them in the body. Infertility affects approximately one-tenth...